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i3b’s Spring Hours, Listservs, and updates

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Spring Center Hours

  • The Mosaic: Center for Cultural Diversity is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Friday. COVID QTY: 11

  • The Pride Center is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. COVID QTY: 10

  • The Gathering Space for Spiritual Well-Being is open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday. COVID QTY: 26

**Spaces are only accessible when i3b professional or student staff are present.**

We’d also like to introduce you to our Google Group listservs for each space, as well as various initiatives. Please fill out the Google Form to be added to our listservs.

i3b Community:i3bCommunity-usergroup@umbc.edu

This is our general listserv for any and all UMBC undergraduate, graduate students, staff, faculty, alumni and campus community partners to stay up to date with all i3b events, programs, initiatives and news

i3b's Mosaic Listserv:i3bmosaic-usergroup@umbc.edu

i3b's Gathering Space Listserv:i3bGatheringSpace-usergroup@umbc.edu

i3b’s PrideCenter Listserv:pridecenter-usergroup@umbc.edu

This is a Google Group for the Pride Center, one of three Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion and Belonging (i3b) centers housed within the Division of Student Affairs. This group is meant to communicate information related to the Pride Center and LGBTQIA+ engagement more broadly.

These three listservs are for center-specific news and events.

i3b Retriever Immigrants United:i3bRIU-usergroup@umbc.edu

This is the official mailing list for all news, updates, resources and announcements related to the 1st and 2nd generation immigrant population that RIU centers.

i3b SistaCare:i3bSistaCare-usergroup@umbc.edu

This is the official mailing list for all news, updates, resources and announcements related to SistaCare, a self-care and community-building group open to all undergraduate and graduate Black/Africana women (e.g. trans, cis) and femmes, regardless of their gender expression.

i3b Campus Partners:i3bPartners-usergroup@umbc.edu

This Listserv will be composed of primarily staff and faculty partners, as well as select student and alumni leaders that facilitate outreach across campus on behalf of our shared work at i3b.

Space Usage and Sign-In Process

We are delighted to see our spaces being used by students to study, connect, pray, meditate, and build community. In order to keep up with who is using our spaces, we are moving from paper sign-in sheets to UMBC ID card readers. Just like other events and programs on campus, UMBC ID cards will be scanned at entry for The Mosaic and Pride Centers, and The Gathering Space for Spiritual Well-Being. Collecting student and visitor data will support our assessment practices, and help us make funding decisions regarding supplies, prayer space and other needs. All data collected will be maintained confidentially within the UMBC Rex system. If a student or guest does not have a UMBC ID card, paper sign-in sheets will be available.

UMBC COVID Protocols and i3b Spaces

We will have surgical masks available in all three i3b spaces and expect that all students, staff, and visitors wear their masks for the entirety of their visit unless they are actively eating or drinking. In order to keep all students and staff comfortable and as safe as possible, please remember that proper mask-wearing is required at all times. Those not in compliance will be asked to leave.

You can find more information about the university mask mandate atcovid19.umbc.edu/masks/  

As we continue to navigate this experience, you may also want to begin considering virtual meetings, events, and engagements to prioritize our community's health.

Posted: February 3, 2022, 12:08 PM