Workshop Wednesdays: DoSA Inclusive Hiring Toolkit
Workshop Wednesdays with i3b
Workshop Wednesdays: DoSA Inclusive Hiring Toolkit – Online Event
Date & Time
November 16, 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Workshop Wednesdays w/ i3b are monthly opportunities for faculty, staff, graduate students and adult learners to engage around social justice topics that can support their personal growth and professional development. All sessions are interactive, and designed for skill-building and practice.
Session Focus:DoSA Inclusive Hiring Toolkit: This session is specifically designed for search committee members and search committee chairs. We will talk through the Inclusive Hiring toolkit and expectations for Divisional searches. We will also explore the impact of bias on hiring processes and how to mitigate bias impact.
Please RSVP below.
Our i3b staff strives to create the most inclusive environment possible. All undergrads, grads, staff, faculty, and alumnx are encouraged to attend! If you need to request a disability-based accommodation or have any questions? Contact us at For our uploaded event recordings, attendee lists, works cited, and other materials, please check out our Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion and Belonging (i3b) Events Drive on our Linktree. Materials will be available in this Google Drive within one business week after the event unless otherwise specified.