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UMBC McNair Scholars Program - Spring Recruitment

Application Deadline Extended!

The UMBC McNair Scholars Program has just completed their spring recruitment. Although they have had many highly-qualified applicants, they must extend the application deadline to fulfill the federal requirements. 


§ First-generation AND low-income

§ Freshman or Sophomore

§ 2.7 GPA or better

§ U.S. citizen or Permanent resident

§ Desire to pursue doctoral studies in any field of study

§ Deadline for Application: Rolling, until the cohort is complete

IMPORTANT NOTE: They are in need of students who are BOTH first generation college students (meaning the guardian(s) which whom they resided on their 18th birthday has not earned a bachelor's degree or higher), AND are from low-income households (based on the Federal TRIO Programs Current-Year Low-Income Levels which uses taxable income).  


Applicants must complete the UMBC McNair Scholars Application by typing their responses, signing, and scanning the application and all required documentation, and then submit it using the following link, https://goo.gl/forms/Do4mD3nx0KHGrVyV2

The McNair office (MP 007) will only accept recommendation forms and letters, but they highly suggest that recommenders scan their form and/or submit a letter directly to Michael A. Hunt, Interim Assistant Director,  huntmi1@umbc.edu

For extended applications, only TWO recommendations needed. Any other application material delivered to their office will not be considered. 

It’s the responsibility of the applicant to make sure all items are submitted using the online form.  Applicants will only be contacted if all items have been received and if they are offered an interview. 

Posted: April 19, 2017, 4:43 PM