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Eid Mubarak!

Today is Eid al-Adha, otherwise known as Tabaski

Eid al-Adha, known as Tabaski in West Africa, is a Muslim holiday to honor the prophet Ibrahim's (pbuh) acceptance to sacrifice his only son at Allah's request. At the last minute, Allah intervened and provided a lamb for sacrifice instead.  Today, Muslims around the world celebrate this holiday with a feast, blessings, and reconciliation. 

In West Africa, people save up for months to buy sheep to prepare in various ways on this day, and everyone gets dressed up in their finest bazin clothing to greet their neighbors and friends.  The children roam the streets in groups, shouting "Salimafo!!" (happy holidays) and expect a treat.  It's a festive day every year! 

Eid Mubarak UMBC !

Posted: October 15, 2013, 10:07 AM