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Nothing to Debate: ‘She’ Should Be Used to Refer to Manning

Gender identity in the news: Portrayals of Chelsea Manning

By: Kevin Gosztola – Thursday August 22, 2013 9:45 pm

"The soldier who was sentenced to thirty-five years in prison for releasing United States government information that was published by WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, came out as a woman this morning when [her] defense attorney announced that Manning was a [woman] and wanted to be called Chelsea Manning...
...Since Manning came out publicly and made the request, one would expect the United States press would universally be moving to covering any future news stories on Manning with the appropriate and requested pronouns. However, “NBC’s Today, USA TODAY, The Boston Globe, Politico, CNN, Fox, the New York Daily News, the New York Post, the Daily Beast, the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times” are going to keep using the masculine pronoun. The Washington Post is also going to stick with the masculine pronoun as well."

Read the full story at http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2013/08/22/there-should-be-nothing-for-media-to-debate-she-should-now-be-used-to-refer-to-manning/.


For questions or support and resources for LGBTQ-identifying, questioning, and allied students, faculty, and staff, contact Zach Kosinski, Graduate Coordinator for LGBTQ Programs at (410) 455-3463 or lgbtq@umbc.edu.

Posted: August 23, 2013, 12:03 PM