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Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebration, Upcoming Events, & More!

September 15th to October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. Throughout this time, i3b, UMBC and country celebrates the important contributions, heritage, and culture of all Hispanic and Latinos in the United States. 

Honoring our Hispanic/Latin(e/x) community and their influence on our country, we recognize culture and traditions that have shaped all of our communities. We impart to all at UMBC to partake in understanding and uplifting the stories, experiences, passions, love, and history of our Hispanic/Latin(e/x) community. Hispanic Heritage Month further celebrates the traditions, cultures, families, love, and service all Hispanic and Latin(e/x) folks. 

History of Hispanic Heritage Month

Beginning on September 15th, Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the anniversary of independence of the Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, dating back to 1968. Additionally, Mexico, Chile, and Belize also celebrate their independence days during this period with Día de la Raza on October 12th.

The term Hispanic, referring to the racial and ethnic groups of folks from hisphanophone (Spanish Speaking) countries, that were historically colonized by Spain. This term is inclusive to those of Spanish origin. The term Latino, excludes Spain, but includes non-Spanish speaking Latin American countries such as Belize, Brazil, Guyana, and Haiti. Some folks may have ethnic roots from Latin America, and may use either, neither, or both Hispanic and/or Latino.

In the month of September and October, i3b is partnering on events in celebration of our Hispanic/Latin(e/x) communities. 
Bachata / Salsa Night
Friday, September 29th in The Commons, Mainstreet in front of the bookstore, join us for Bachata / Salsa Night! Come join all of our partners to learn how to salsa and bachata. Don't know how to dance? That is completely alright! We will have an instructor and a local performance during the event. 

Want to learn more about events, exhibits, and other exciting experiences happening in the greater D.C. area? Click here

Posted: September 22, 2023, 12:39 PM