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Meet the DEI: Andrea Duval

Profiling the Mosaic Center's Diversity Educator Interns

The Diversity Educator Interns are a mix of six, talented undergraduate and graduate students who work to fulfill the Mosaic Center's mission and vision by promoting cross cultural programs, education and collaboration. Want to know more? Contact mosaic@umbc.edu.

Name: Andrea Duval


Major: Modern Languages and Linguistics major studying French and Intercultural Communication


Hometown: Native New Yorker


Q: Favorite animals? Random facts? 

A: I love dogs (especially big cuddly ones), hamsters, and my baby betta fish! Random facts...  There's no pizza quite like a Brooklyn pizza. 


Q: How did you learn about the Diversity Education Internship (DEI)? Did you know right away that you wanted to do it?

A: I heard about it in an email I received from the MLL department here.  I thought "This sounds perfect!" and decided to apply.  I knew that this was right up my alley, and I'm glad I went for it. 


Q: Have you volunteered in any other diversity positions before you started? How did you learn skills you needed to know for this internship? 

A: My freshman year I volunteered in the English Language Institute as  conversation partner, helping international students develop their conversational English. It was a great experience and put me in a position where I had to develop the necessary skills to communicate across cultures.  And those skills are invaluable as a DEI. 


Q: How many hours each week do you work in the OSL Mosaic Center? What do you do during that time? 

A: I work an hour a day in the Mosaic as a part of the Marketing Team, keeping our information updated on myUMBC to inform the student population of our upcoming events, and to put the word out about what the Mosaic is and what we do. 


Q: What is the most difficult thing you have encountered so far into the internship? What is the most interesting thing you have encountered?

A: Learning to let go of your fears and volunteering to do something I might not usually be comfortable doing, like sharing a personal story and stepping out of my comfort zone.  It's important in this internship to be able to put yourself out there, or else it would be hard to help anyone else. 


Q: What would you say to other students inquiring about becoming the next generation of DEIs?

A: Do it! Apply, inquire, ask questions, and most importantly be willing to be active in the center.  Come in and talk to an intern, find out what goes on in the Mosaic, and think of ways to help make it even better! 


Q: What are your plans/goals for after UMBC? 

A: I feel that graduate school is a definite for me.  Whether it happens right after graduation or a few years down the road depends.  But I plan to further my education, and I can't wait to find out what opportunities await me. 


Posted: February 6, 2012, 10:13 AM